Craigslist Clone : In the present, when the people wants to more like the online shopping and to sell a car, buy furniture, find a roommate, or get a date, they write an ad on the online. Undoubtedly, one of the top classified websites in the US and even some European countries is Craigslist.
If you’re thinking about how to create a classified website like Craigslist clone. Nectareon provide a craigslist clone script, used to create your own classified ad website and you should reflect on two options: using open source solutions and developing it from scratch. Let’s consider the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

Open Source Solution
To create a classified ad website based on the open source solution like craigslist clone, you need to create a website and add (usually buy) a theme with the functionality you want. Let’s say a payment gateway because a theme doesn’t have a specific feature. Extend the functionality of our classified website to you can buy a plugin.
Advantages of classified website
Development time:
This process will take less time than developing from scratch because you can simply select part of your classified ad website like puzzle, doesn’t needed to create or build anything.
Though beautiful design themes and additional plugins that is paid too and billed on monthly basis. Otherwise if you can launch a craigslist clone website almost for free (you need to pay only for a domain and hosting).
No need for coding skills:
Even if you don’t have any coding or technical knowledge, you will be able to launch your classified ad website. There are available on hundreds of tutorials on this topic, not a thousand of tutorials.
No support:
The more plugins you add to your website the more complicated, because when the developer who will first need to audit the whole code base and only then can fix bugs. So, you can add a growing number of users and you’ll get bugs and website crashes.
Little customization:
If you can add plugins, you will get extend the functionality. There are a lot of themes with PHP classified ad functionality. You don’t need anyone features you can’t exclude that features.
Only you can change the main colors and your logo; otherwise you will need the professional developers help to change the functionality or design of the theme. And to be sure, this is a long and tiring process.
Scalability issues:
Open source classified platforms like WordPress were initially created for blogs. In such a website you add numerous plugins, you add pieces created by different coding styles with different teams. This weakens the architecture of your classified ad website.
No unique functionality:
If you want your product to have some unique, use technologies or first-of-its-kind features such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, or the block chain, an open source won’t cut it.
MVP Features list for a classified website
The features listed below from the core of a classified website like Craigslist clone

Customers can easily manage their personal information and track the transaction with the classified website, so registration is important.
Personal accounts:
Customer data allows you to get to know your target audience better and helps you moderate ads because we recommend adding personal accounts. Craigslist clone customers only want to postpaid ads and customers from US, those customers only create accounts on Craigslist, and not for all customers.
Search filters:
On craigslist clone, customers can search by dozens of categories. So filter used to customers find relevant ads.
Post an ad:
When the customer able to post ads in a few clicks since the customer to make journey fast and intuitive.
When the customers to find a list of events used by a calendar.
Communication channel:
Without seeing the recipient’s address of the emails sending to the people that allow the Craigslist clone, this process is protect the customers and their personal information. Without disclosing their conduct database of the customers get touch with help of built-in chat is the another option.
Challenges of building a website like Craigslist Clone
Craigslist clone is much more difficult to attract users and retain them. And it’s not hard to clone the functionality and design of Craigslist, from the technical point of view.
Here are the main challenges you need to cope with when you create a classified website like Craigslist Clone.
How to get traffic?
When the new company to step into the market, loyalty of the customer make it difficult and traffic to craigslist, while you could make an identical open source classified website.
Craigslist is currently the 45th most popular classified website in the world according to similar website 14th most popular in the United States.

What tricks used to attract customers to your product? To offer the some real value of product, this is only possible way to attract the customer and retain them. This offer value can be anything, but it should solve customers’ issue.
2.How to moderate advertisements?
Craigslist clone script, suffered from ads for illegal products and services and services provider and unreliable sellers at its early stage. The PHP classified website to hire a killer when the woman was tired even a case. Craigslist clone script set its own terms and conditions, to banish all these illegal activities. Today, customer can think against the site’s policy, they can flag an ad.

If you can moderate ads there are several approaches are available, starting with a policy agreement that every user has to accept, manual checks, and scripts that check all ads automatically
3.How to provide customer support?
Since Craigslist has only about 50 people, it doesn’t provide customer support and it’s no wonder. But no customer support means that customers can ban ads of their competitors and no one will deal with it. An anything can’t change or prove with aggrieved party. But it can post an ad again.
As well, Craigslist classified script clone has no rating system and no ability to leave comments. The easiest solution that doesn’t require hiring lots of people are a rating and comment system that shows customers thee reliability of a seller.
Please contact us if you are looking for the classified clone script for your food delivery business