Our libtro library management solution is a software that is developedto handle at least the most basic housekeeping functions of a library. And also well organized software system for a complete library which helps to present information on any registered materials present in the library to the user as well as staff.
Library management software assist in managing a massive amount of data that is being generated from libraries. Library management script also help in automating various library functions such as paying bills, tracking items and orders, and tracking borrowed books, among others.
Candidate can be registered as member of the library.
The book can be ready to issue to the member by the librarian at period of the time.
The issue date of the book details updated to the particular member account and record keep to manage in future returns.
The non-returned books will be kept marked as pending returns in admin panel by the librarian and system will show up the list of returns
The small fee will be added to every day or mentioned by librarian at amdin panel to the member who has borrowed the book and not yet returned so far.
Member can return the book on time with out any fee and he can get more books borrow as decided by admin.
Admin Panel or Control Panel, is the interface where administrators with appropriate privileges can manipulate.
The admin can manage the different type of members and its type which can be used for librarian to avail issuing the books or return the books.
There are user group base system to handle functions based on role of the administrations. Admin can decide to set role for any sub admin or workers in the library.
The category defines here to have different kind of category name associated with books of the library department.
The books stored on library and can be searched in system. Books can be indexed in the system to search for members.
Books issued or return can be managed here to handle the pending or long pending status of the books from the members.
The reports of MOD, DR, Fine list of the memebrs and library performance basic daily wise.
General settings of the system and libraray information such as name, address, location and also fine amount, report date year etc.
There are option for nakka number for books deletion or adding purpose its maintatined by govt of the system as keywords in the library department.