On-Demand Multi Vendor Ecommerce Software – Gajcart

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Multivendor marketplace software for ecommerce stores

Multi vendor ecommerce software is an application, where multiple vendors can sell their products or services in a single platform just like Flipkart clone, Amazon. In multi vendor software, each vendor manages their sales operations and focuses on increasing the business revenue. Every vendor has their own dashboard for handling orders. Moreover customers also prefer a multi vendor ecommerce software platform for purchasing products, which is provided with a wide range of collections.

Nectareon offers a multi vendor ecommerce software application is suitable for any kind of business sector like food, groceries, laundry, pharmacy, salon & spa, alcohol and much more. Our readymade multi vendor ecommerce software features are similar to Amazon, Flipkart, and Snapdeal clones. Every feature in our multi vendor ecommerce app is set to expand your online business, which can also be customized with your brand name. You get a chance to create a billion dollar business with our multi vendor marketplace software.

Now you can easily reach out to your customer anytime anywhere with our automated multi vendor ecommerce software application to increase the business revenue. Manage your ordering and delivery business with ease. Our open source ecommerce marketplace software lets you combine both buying selling operation seamlessly. Multi vendor ecommerce script lets you rule both iOS and Android platforms.

How the multi vendor ecommerce software works?

  • Search the nearest ecommerce stores list

    Customer can search by location which store is very near to their location.

  • Make an order through website/ mobile apps

    The order placed by customer which will be received by the concerned ecommerce store.

  • Order confirmation by vendor/ stores

    An acknowledgement of the products order takeaway is given to the customer, and he or she is informed of the expected time of delivery of the products.

  • Preparing the order by the vendor/ stores

    The further steps are being taken to prepare the order and get it ready with perfection for the final consumption by the respective customer.

  • Assigning orders to delivery staff by the vendor/ stores

    Delivery staff gets new order notification from ecommerce store to deliver the product to the concerned customer’s place. The delivery staff updates the status to the ecommerce as well as customers.

  • Delivers the product to customers by delivery staff

    The order is delivered to the address given by the store. Once the delivery staff delivers the product, E-signature is received from customers and notification is sent to store.

Why choose our multivendor marketplace ecommerce software?

Free installation

Multivendor ecommerce app can be seamlessly installed and set up to your system. Allow you to manage the complete ecommerce software.


Our readymade multivendor ecommerce software can be easily customizable according to your ecommerce business needs.

Your own brand

You get online ecommerce software in your own brand name and logo. Also get design and themes of your choices.

On-demand service

Gajcart is very much suitable for any on-demand services like grocery, sweet & cakes, pizza, flower, etc

Admin features in our multi-vendor ecommerce system


The complete details for ordered items and also total no of sales, by weekly, monthly, day report. Admin can also see the report for each ecommerce stores.

General Settings

The setting are being updated by admin such us site name, site description, meta description, title, keywords, records display per page, google analytics code, logo etc.

Currencies & languages

Multi vendor ecommerce website support for multiple currencies and languages for the customers website and mobile android and iOS apps.

Commission management

Fixed commission or fix percentage for the products. Add tax rules easily calculated the total commission on each order.

Tax management

Tax for each product is calculated by the vendor. Admin need not worry about the tax calculation.

Manage category

It will manage multiple category of products like beauty, home applications, electronics, etc for online ecommerce store.

Ecommere Stores

Stores is where you can add your complete information of the ecommerce store and also can be possible to view complete details of each stores.

Product approval

Admin can either approve or reject the new products added by the vendor. You can even disable this features to let the vendor self-publish the vendor.

Support multi-branchs

Ecommerce stores can be created as child branch, vendors can add any number of sub branchs at any location by zones through his portal.

Vendor features in our multi-vendor ecommerce system

Vendor dashboard

Each vendor has individual dashboard for easy understanding of their inventory and order status. Vendor dashboard has sales report, order summary more.

Category management

We have an efficient product catalog management system to increase the sales, the vendors can plan and manage the products.


Offers that you can add your offer information of the stores menu and also can be possible to manage by each vendors for individuals products.

Manage withdrawl request

Admin panel enabling the manual vendor withdrawal request, you can receive the requests, make the transaction, and manually mark the request as paid.

Vendor order management

Vendors can manage their invoices, shipments, orders, credit, order return and exchange requests and more form their dashboard.

Vendor rating and review

The customer to analyze about the marketplace vendors and to provide the valuable feedback about the shopping and product experience through this section.

Shipping labels

Vendors creates a label for each order to be shipped with the package’s size and weight information along with the invoice.


Sell your products anywhere with our readymade multi vendor ecommerce script websites and mobile app and reach out to the customers.


Drivers where you can add your complete information of the driver and also can be possible to view complete details of each driver. The driver can be managed by store user to assign the task.

Customer features in our multi-vendor ecommerce system

Social login

Unleash the true power of the marketplace through social media like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and increase the ROI.

Manage order history

Customer can have features to track their all past orders on his account transaction/order history which have dates, amount etc.

Mobile app

Mobile app with the feature-rich marketplace ecommerce software, customers can make a purchase anytime and anywhere.

My favorites

The customer can have feature to review about the order or service, and to place book mark to my favorite’s products or services.


Customer where you can add your complete information of the customer and also can be possible to view complete details of each customer.

Pricing comparison

Customers to compare the price of the product between different sellers in the multi vendor ecommerce software to provide excellent shopping experience.

Manage returns product

The products or order can be returned by customers due to damage of the any product item.

Quick view

Allows the customer to view the product shortly without leaving the current flow by showing product information with small add to cart button.

Customer ratings

To facilitate other customers for trustworthy shopping, with reference to the brand experience, the customers can rate and review about the vendor as well as the product.

Delivery features in our multi-vendor ecommerce system

Delivery app

Our delivery app let’s delivered the navigated to nearest customer and text or call him.

Track log

You can track your past delivery drivers location using our driver’s track log features which will show you your drivers location throughout the day, minute by minute.


You can create custom messages that will automatically be sent to your customers and drivers for each milestone met during the delivery process.


Give a lot flexibility to your users by giving a delivery schedule interval. Drag and drop driver onto map to schedule a brand new delivery.


Delivery improvement by geographical area supported address. Automates the complete delivery prices ticket creation method.


Easy re-scheduling of deliveries by the vendor or the customer. Drag schedule item on the scheduler to quickly re-schedule a delivery. Filter schedule results by date range, driver and team.

Technologies used in web and mobile application

  • HTML5
  • Boostrap
  • jQuery
  • MySQL
  • PHP
  • laravel
  • Java
  • Object C

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